Noticible in the surrounding area
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Rooks Reayvalynn
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Noticible in the surrounding area

Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

People who frequent the woods and other wilderness areas around Midway have been sighting increasingly large numbers of monsters. Some guardsmen have been complaining, while others have been rejoicing in the liveliness of their recent patrols over the last week. The peasants have been mumbling about how it must be all those tomfoolerous adventurers attracting more monsters. The boatmen who travel the river to Portsend seem very happy with their boom in business as more and more people find spending a little more coin worth avoiding any dangerous encounters on the road. The rumor from Terragon keep is that the captain of the guard has increased patrols, and that they have been meeting minor resistance. Anyone official word from the keep denies these rumors.
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