Along the way...
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Rooks Reayvalynn
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Along the way...

Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

The doors have opened and the encampment of the dwarfs slowly comes to life. The people bag up their belonging and the giant constructs that seem to be moving the greater portion of the people creak back into life. The band heads south and the constructs take to the shallows and skirt the edge of the continent. The massive forms are altered by the tinkerers of the dwarfs and take on a large size capable of transporting the entire mass of the lost clan. Just over a month is spent at sea following the coast until they come to the gapping mouth of the Silverthorne river. So far the trip has been very difficult on those visiting, but the dwarfs themselves seem very used to these cramped quarters and being in such tight proximity with each other. A large military force meets them and escorts the dwarven barges north past the mighty capital city, and along the series of rivers leading to the city of Candence taking another weeks travel. Again the barges seem to trudge along at a decent gait both day and night, manned by the crews of dwarfs. It is very plain and clear to see a good number of these people have trained their entire life just in case this opportunity might arise. The dwarfs seem very well prepared for the journey and have many of their own supplies readied and despite their massive numbers never seem to be to short on food as day after day necessities are dolled out to the people.
From Candence the Dwarfs head southwest and are bid farewell by the Silverthorne escort at the edge of their realm. The journey lasts a good two weeks and the travelers are finally welcomed by the road giving way to the Caldonian foothills.
The people of Caldonia greet the dwarfs and those who have accompanied them with open arms. A Large envoy from the homelands have come down to the foothills and take part in the day long celebration. After a long day a drinking and merriment the dwarves prepare for the final leg of their journey. From here on out they will be traveling into the dwarven homelands and it is explained it would most likely be best for any who are not of dwarven blood or a friend of the dwarves to return to their home.

-From this point feel free to PM me and let me know if your going further with the dwarfs or if you are returning to midway/legacy. Your status towards the dwarfs may be a good thing to let me know, or any other skills you may be employing along the journey.

-Also, any interactions you wish to have let me know and i will do everything in my power to make sure they are resolved prior to the event.
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Rooks Reayvalynn
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Post by Rooks Reayvalynn »

-Prolly should have mentioned this, anyone who has been off with the dwarves is finally making it back to the town over the last week or so, feel free to interact on the boards as you see fit.
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