Tingling Feeling.
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GM Evan
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Tingling Feeling.

Post by GM Evan »

As of 11am 12/7/04:

EVERYONE feels a strange tingling sensation all over their body. In some ways it feels similar to being sensed for magic, but at the same time it is very different. It is no where near as strong a sensation as even a level 1 sense magic. It is just an underlying sensation like when you are walking alone in the woods at night, and you begin to feel that someone is watching you.

Some people may not even notice this or may notice it and just attribute it to "Somethin funny in da air". It is up to you to decide how your character responds to this.

To make life a little easier here are some basic answers to questions that I know will get asked.

1. Sense magic level X = Nothing
2. Yes Nyrthak even you feel this (and other magic dead folks) :shock:

Other questions please feel free to PM me.

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Post by Divin Stormshadow »

if I stand upside down and let the blood rush to my head.... does it feel even cooler?
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Post by GM Evan »

You wake up from a good nights sleep, for some reason that tingling sensation that was nagging at you most of yesterday seemed to have stopped late last night. Its kinda hard to pinpoint exactly when it stopped as the feeling slowly faded.

As you are getting prepared for another day in the town of midway the tingling sensation returns, only its different. Before it was that tingling sensation kinda like something is watching you when you know that nothing really is. This time its a feeling like someone is watching you and you know for a fact that someone really IS watching you.

It feels the same standing on your head as it does standing on your feet and sense magic does not reveal anything out of the ordinary.

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Post by GM Evan »

When you wake up this morning, the tingling feeling that has been following you around is gone.
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