A Alchy contest!!!
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Re: A Alchy contest!!!

Post by Sadot »

*Sorrows looks at Valkren than cracks up... *

"You know I not impressed by you station right? For if I remember the dreams of dreams you have no station anymore. You are on the same run as a great deal of us. So you are Human, doe snot make you smarter, stronger, nor faster? It makes you what you are. An seeing how you do not wish to learn anything. You picked your own place to step down in. An I happen to be the target so far. Unlike others I no let someone step on me without pushing back. You should rethink about why you say something not to smart to me. I would giving you ground to stand. If only you would stop and think for once. Not of yourself but those around you. Valkren the defender of the tower, Valkren the Ex-Sentinel, are these title you gave to you-self? Or did you make them in blood? Why would you wish for not being apart of something greater. Why would you make insult to someone you have never meet on the field? You think I am weak, not smart, not skilled in the ways of things.. than you are as foolish as the horned one.. You hunt that which you should not hunt. are you the one who hunted the single horn in the dark-wood? Are you telling me I should be scared of you? I Sorrows of the Ravens, holder to the Black Song Orc Kurmak Tono. An I am not afraid of you Velkren of the Stormbane. In fact if you wish to test your steel against mine sure I am game. I will accept your challenge shield, one weapon, no magic, no potions, no armor, and just to the blood. If you win I will take back all I have said about you. If I win you do the same than we start on a new foot. Agreed?"
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Re: A Alchy contest!!!

Post by pdusen »

Jasper stands up, beer in hand, and says "You guys are killing my buzz," and then leaves the building.
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Re: A Alchy contest!!!

Post by X-GM Snow »

"I have nothing to prove to you, Sorrows. I have achieved many things, my station is what it is, and I earned that title by defending my friends and loved ones in this town."

(If you're referring to a unicorn with the "single horn" thing, that was a different pc"
-GM Snow

"I'm gonna ask you one more time, did you try to kill that Unicorn?"

"Does my answer matter? You're going to try and kill me anyway."

"You're not wrong." *Deathstrike*
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Re: A Alchy contest!!!

Post by X-GM Snow »

"But, fine, I accept your challenge. Name the time and the place."
-GM Snow

"I'm gonna ask you one more time, did you try to kill that Unicorn?"

"Does my answer matter? You're going to try and kill me anyway."

"You're not wrong." *Deathstrike*
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Re: A Alchy contest!!!

Post by Crunch »

*Crunch stands and heads for the door.*

"I leave little angry man to his fight. *looking at valkren* if need help call crunch."

*crunch walks out the door.*
I can't sew well, but I have a rivet gun and know how to use it.
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